The Biggest And Best
List of High Fiber Foods

If you're looking for a list of high fiber foods, look no further!

You've just found the biggest and best list in the world.

I literally spent hours working on this article gathering information on what exactly the best foods were and which ones were high in dietary fiber.

I even included how much fiber each food has so you can easily look up your favorite foods and see what's going on.

If you want the lowdown on what to eat, here it is: focus on natural foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and berries.

It doesn't get any simpler than that, does it?

Here's the list.

The Most Complete List of High Fiber Foods

Fruits Amount Fiber (in grams)
Apples Medium (182g) 4
Apricots One Apricot (35g) 1
Acerola 1 cup (98g) 1
Avocado 1 cup (150g) 10
Bananas 1 cup (225g) 6
Blackberries 1 cup (144g) 8
Blueberries 1 cup (148g) 4
Cherimoya 1 cup (156g) 4
Cherries, sweet 1 cup with pits (138g) 3
Clementines 1 fruit (74g) 1
Cranberries 1 cup (110g) 5
Dates, medjool 1 date, pitted (24g) 2
Durian 1 cup (243g) 9
Elderberries 1 cup (145g) 10
Figs 1 large (64g) 2
Gooseberries 1 cup (150g) 6
Grapefruit 1 fruit (246g) 4
Grapes 1 cup (92g) 1
Guavas 1 cup (165g) 9
Jackfruit 1 cup (165g) 3
Kiwifruit 1 cup (177g) 5
Kumquats 1 fruit (19g) 1
Lemons 1 fruit (108g) 5
Limes 1 fruit (67g) 2
Litchis 1 cup (190g) 2
Mangos 1 cup (165g) 3
Melons, cantaloupe 1 cup (177g) 2
Mulberries 1 cup (140g) 2
Nectarines 1 cup (143g) 2
Oranges 1 cup (180g) 4
Papayas 1 cup (140g) 3
Passionfruit 1 cup (236g) 25
Peaches 1 medium (150g) 2
Pears 1 small (148g) 5
Persimmons, japanese 1 ounce (28g) 1
Pineapple 1 cup (165g) 2
Plums 1 cup (165g) 2
Pomegranates 1 fruit (282g) 11
Pummelo 1 cup (190g) 2
Raspberries 1 cup (123g) 8
Rhubarb 1 cup (122g) 2
Strawberries 1 cup (152g) 3
Tamarinds 1 cup (120g) 6
Tangerines 1 cup (195g) 4
Vegetables Amount Fiber (in grams)
Alfalfa seeds, sprouted 1 cup (33g) 1
Artichokes, cooked 1 artichoke (120g) 10
Asparagus, cooked 1/2 cup (90g) 2
Bamboo shoots, cooked 1 cup (120g) 1
Beets, cooked 1/2 cup (85g) 2
Brussels sprouts, cooked 1 sprout (21g) 1
Broccoli, cooked 1 large (280g) 9
Cabbage, cooked 1 cup (150g) 2
Cabbage, raw 1 cup (89g) 2
Carrots, raw 1 cup (128g) 4
Cauliflower, cooked 1 cup (124g) 2
Celery, raw 1 cup (101g) 2
Collards, cooked 1 cup (190g) 5
Corn, cooked 1 cup (164g) 5
Eggplant, cooked 1 cup (99g) 2
Kale, cooked 1 cup (130g) 3
Kale, raw 1 cup (67g) 1
Mushrooms, cooked 1 cup (156g) 3
Okra, cooked 1 cup (160g) 4
Spinach, cooked 1 cup (180g) 4
Sweet potato, cooked 1 cup (200g) 7
Tomatoes 1 cup (180g) 2
Winter Squash, cooked 1 cup (205g) 6
Grains Amount Fiber (in grams)
Amaranth, cooked 1 cup (246g) 5
Bulgur, cooked 1 cup (182g) 8
Couscous, cooked 1 cup (157g) 2
Macaroni, cooked 1 cup (140g) 3
Millet, cooked 1 cup (174g) 2
Noodles, egg, cooked 1 cup (160g) 2
Oat bran, cooked 1 cup (219g) 6
Pasta, corn, cooked 1 cup (140g) 7
Rice, brown, cooked 1 cup (195g) 4
Rice, white, cooked 1 cup (174g) 2
Spaghetti, cooked 1 cup (140g) 3
Quinoa, cooked 1 cup (185g) 5
Wild rice, cooked 1 cup (164g) 3
Breads Amount Fiber (in grams)
Rye 1 slice (32g) 2
Wheat 1 slice (25g) 1
Wheat bran 1 slice (36g) 1
White bread 1 cup (45g) 1
Whole-wheat 1 slice (28g) 2
Beans Amount Fiber (in grams)
Black beans, cooked 1 cup (172g) 15
Kidney beans, cooked 1 cup (177g) 11
Navy beans, cooked 1 cup (182g) 19
Pink beans, cooked 1 cup (169g) 9
Pinto beans, cooked 1 cup (171g) 15
Garbanzo beans, cooked 1 cup (164g) 12
Lima beans, cooked 1 cup (188g) 13
Mung beans, cooked 1 cup (202g) 15
Yellow beans, cooked 1 cup (177g) 18
Nuts Amount Fiber (in grams)
Almonds, roasted 1 cup (138g) 16
Cashew, raw 1 ounce (28g) 1
Chestnuts, roasted 1 cup (143g) 7
Hazelnuts, roasted 1 ounce (28g) 3
Macadamia, raw 1 cup (134g) 12
Pecans 1 cup (109g) 10
Pine nuts, dried 1 cup (135g) 5
Pistachio, raw 1 cup (123g) 13
Walnuts, dried 1 cup (117g) 8
Seeds Amount Fiber (in grams)
Flaxseed 1 cup (168g) 46
Pumpkin 1 cup (227g) 9
Sesame 1 cup (150g) 17
Sunflower 1 cup (46g) 4

That's the whole list of high fiber foods I have for you, I hope you were satisfied and will pass it on to anyone who needs it.

How to Keep Your Stomach Happy

One of the best ways to keep your colon functioning properly is to do a colon cleanse a few times a year, alongside with eating a good diet with adequate fiber.

DrFlorasCleansing is simple; you can do it with juice fasting, but you can also do it by using a formula made by a professional herbalist.

These formulas vary from company to company, and there are a lot of low-quality products out there.

I've tried many of them, and you can see all of them on my best colon cleanse page, but the one I recommend is called the DrFloras colon cleanse.

They offer one of the longest money-back guarantees in the industry, and they only use natural ingredients, which is extremely important for me.

Stay healthy!


I recommend the DrFloras colon cleanser if you want to cleanse your colon safely, effectively, and without spending a fortune.

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