Uncover the Foods That Really Cause Constipation

Foods that cause constipation are plentiful on todays supermarket shelves.

There are two main camps on how constipation is caused and how to remedy the condition.

One camp says that you need lots of fiber in your food and if you eat a diet consisting of low-fiber and high-fat you will get constipated.

Dr.Kellogg even created cereals because of this.

Kellogg's Cornflakes contain lots of fiber so you can meet your daily requirements.

There are also many studies showing that fiber is very beneficial for human beings. And I agree that some fiber helps, but you can go overboard with it by eating too much grains.

Which Foods Cause Constipation?

Both sides agree that there are foods that cause constipation, the question then becomes--which foods?

The other camp talks about how constipation is NOT caused by a lack of fiber. It is caused by wheat and dairy products.

To get relief from your constipation you have to eliminate the foods that cause constipation. This is done by eating as little processed food as possible, and eating more fruits and raw animal food regularly (like eggs or sashimi).

How To Remedy Your Constipation

Are you confused? I hear ya, I know I was when I first came across this information.

But basically it comes down to eating healthy and avoiding the bad stuff. For clarification purposes here's a list of foods that cause constipation, avoid these:

  • Wheat (White Bread, Cookies, Pasta, Pastries...)
  • Dairy (Yoghurt, Milk, Cheese, Ice Cream...)
  • Processed & Packaged Food (Prepared food)
  • Fast Food (Pizza, Hamburgers, Fried Chicken...)
  • Heated Protein (Red Meat, Fish, Chicken...)

Lots of foods to avoid huh? I agree, but there are still a lot of very delicious food you can eat!

Here's a list of foods you should try if you want relief from constipation:

  • Raw Animal Foods (a bit extreme but I do eat raw eggs)
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Rice

You see where we are heading? We're heading for as much raw food as possible! If this information makes you uncomfortable you are probably holding onto your old foods.

And that is okay, it is a natural reaction. You can gradually start adding your favorite fruits to your diet, then perhaps more vegetables, nuts, seeds and maybe try a raw egg from time to time.

There's no rush, but now you know what foods cause constipation and you are more aware of it.

Progress has been made.

Eliminate Constipation Naturally

One of the best ways to eliminate constipation and keep your body healthy is to do a colon cleanse.

DrFlorasColon cleanses can be done by just eating a strict healthy diet, or going on a juice fast.

You can also buy a professionally made herbal colon cleanse, which has been formulated to effectively eliminate constipation, toxins, and alleviate a host of other problems.

I've done a lot of research on the best colon cleansers out there. There are a lot of bad products available. The one I recommend right now is the DrFloras colon cleanse.

They even offer a long money-back guarantee in case it doesn't work for you.

I'm very careful with what I recommend. I've done a lot of research into colon cleansers, and I only recommend the ones that use 100% natural ingredients, are safe, and effective, which is why I think you will really like DrFloras.


I recommend the DrFloras colon cleanser if you want to cleanse your colon safely, effectively, and without spending a fortune.

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